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Andrew Treloar


Director, International Strategy, ARDC

IDW 2025 Program Chair, International Data Week (Brisbane, October 13-16)

RDA Individual Member, Research Data Alliance

ReSA Organisational Member, Research Software Alliance

atreloar.bsky.social (mostly personal posts, but this will depend on how much of my old Twitter community migrates/flees to there)

andrewtreloar (mostly work-related posts)



Work: andrew.treloar@ardc.edu.au

Personal: andrew.treloar@gmail.com

Melbourne, AU

Selected Recent Publications

Gregory, Kathleen ; Zurbach, Jonathan ; Shankar, Kalpana ; Mayernik, Matthew ; Treloar, Andrew (2025). Sustaining Knowledge Infrastructures: Asking Questions and Listening for Answers. Submitted to IJDC. Authors preprint.

Treloar, A. and Woodford, C. J. (2025). Global Open Research Commons: enabling curation for the next 20 years. Proceedings of IDCC 2025. Authors' preprint

Treloar, A. and Woodford, C.J. (2024). Global Open Research Commons: Creating an International Model for Improved Interoperability and Collaboration. Data Science Journal, 23: 56, pp. 1–9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/dsj-2024-056

Jones, Sarah, Leggott, Mark, Lopez Albacete, Javier, Pascu, Corina, Payne, Karen, Schouppe, Michel, Treloar, Andrew, & Global Open Research Commons IG. (2023). GORC IG: Typology and Definitions (1.0). https://doi.org/10.15497/RDA00087

Stirm, C., Levett, K., Maron, N., Gesing, S., Treloar, A., McCafferty, S., Casavan, J. (2023). Starting with a Firm Foundation: Building a Sustainability Program for the Australian Research Data Commons. Proceedings of 15th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG2023), 13-15 June 2023.

Levett, K., Smillie, J. and Treloar, A. (2022). Putting the R into Platforms. Proceedings of IDCC 22   (Winner of Best Paper Award).

Treloar, A. and Klump, J. (2019). Updating the Data Curation Continuum: not just Data, still focussed on Curation, more Domain-oriented. IJDC 14 (1). DOI: 10.2218/ijdc.v14i1.643

Less Serious Stuff

Selected abstracts for imaginary publications:

Selected possibly whimsical email holiday poems: